Books for Gifted Students:
This page aims to offer suggestions for books that might interest gifted learners, offer engaging activities for them, or help them to understand the unique challenges or obstacles they may face.
Another Logic Workbook for Gritty Kids
This workbook is geared towards 8 to 12 year olds and offers over 200 developmentally appropriate activities within a wide range of subject areas and difficulty levels for gifted students...
Gifted and Talented Workbook for Kids: 101 Engaging Activities to Nurture Budding Skills and Interests
This entertaining book for young children offers many engaging activities to boost critical thinking and problem solving skills...
Rosie Revere Engineer
This book is about a girl who is a quite talented innovator, but she is shy to show her ideas to others. She is also quite afraid to "fail". It is a great story to learn about how "failing..
The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes
This wonderful picture book helps any perfectionist to understand that making mistakes is okay, and we can both learn and grow from them...
The Magical Yet
This powerful book helps children cope with those difficult learning moments when something is quite challenging. We all have many things that we cannot do...YET!..
The Survival Guide to Gifted Kids
This book is geared for gifted and talented students ages 10 and under. It helps them to understand themselves as a GT learner, how to handle situations that many gifted students face, and offer..